Tuesday, January 27, 2009

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Please post one of your SMART Goals that you wrote earlier in class.

Remember to put your first and last name at the end of your post.

Next, you will reply to two of your classmates' posts about their SMART goals. Read someones post and reply to their post by telling them how well you think they did making a SMART goal. Perhaps you can provide some helpful advice. Remember, always be positive.

Put the name of the person you are replying to at the top of your post and remember to put your name at the bottom of your post.


Go ahead and introduce yourself to the rest of the class. Maybe you can tell them what you think you hope to get out of this class. Please use complete sentences. Remember, you are not texting here so proofread your comments.

Please put your first and last name at the end of your introduction so I know who you are.

After typing your comment, select "Anonymous" as your profile. You will then type in a word verification, click "Finish" and then you are done.